T-Shirts Archives - Cabin Devos | Shop https://shop.cabindevos.com/product-category/tshirts/ ...it's more than style. It's advancing the cause Thu, 04 Aug 2022 06:37:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 202679808 Exclusive T-Shirt https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/exclusive-t-shirt/ https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/exclusive-t-shirt/#respond Sat, 09 Jul 2022 17:00:16 +0000 https://shop.cabindevos.com/?post_type=product&p=443 Any amount is a blessing but when you make a UGX. 100,000 Contribution towards acquiring a mixer, You will receive this exclusive Cabin Devos T-shirt as our “thank you” to your generosity. (10 pieces left)

”Exclusive” means these t-shirts will NEVER be made again. There are only 2 shirts of the same color. One Large and the other medium. Thats how unique you will forever be.

The post Exclusive T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

Any amount is a blessing but when you make a UGX. 100,000 Contribution towards acquiring a mixer, You will receive this exclusive Cabin Devos T-shirt as our “thank you” to your generosity. (10 pieces left)

”Exclusive” means these t-shirts will NEVER be made again. There are only 2 shirts of the same color. One Large and the other medium. Thats how unique you will forever be.

The post Exclusive T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/exclusive-t-shirt/feed/ 0 443
Ladies’ T-Shirt https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/adies-t-shirt/ https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/adies-t-shirt/#respond Wed, 16 Feb 2022 07:16:53 +0000 https://shop.cabindevos.com/?post_type=product&p=359 The post Ladies’ T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

The post Ladies’ T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/adies-t-shirt/feed/ 0 359
Men’s T-Shirt https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/mens-t-shirt/ https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/mens-t-shirt/#respond Wed, 16 Feb 2022 06:06:37 +0000 https://shop.cabindevos.com/?post_type=product&p=351 The post Men’s T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

The post Men’s T-Shirt appeared first on Cabin Devos | Shop.

https://shop.cabindevos.com/product/mens-t-shirt/feed/ 0 351